A rewind back
to a walk with the swans, that's what it felt like anyway!The day wasn't the best day for a walk
It was bitterly cold.But I needed some fresh air!
Husband said I must be mad. I was determined. Camera in hand on the 'just in case' basis and off to one of my favourite walks.

Photo opportunities are always there ...
This poor couple had been feeding the swans and were trying to get away without the swans hot on their trail!
Territorial swan!
Eventually the couple escaped, but leaving crumbs behind them!
One swan got greedy and territorial and kept poking at the other swans, as he obviously wanted the scraps all to himself!
I will, I can, just watch me ...
This little chap (well not so little actually, but a cygnet nevertheless!) was doing his utmost to fly.
Oops didn't quite make it on this occasion, so got back in the water .... until ....

Or closeup portrait maybe?
Well, that's fine. I can do that.
Hang on though, please wipe that drip off your nose first!

Fresh air and reminiscing too ...
And to end my walk out towards Hurst spit, the ducks flew off.
It reminded me of the ducks that my grandmother used to have on the wall in the hall! Ah showing my age now...
Is that a drip on the end of my nose?
Turned out to be a lovely walk!
Good job I was behind the camera as I was not a pretty picture with red nose and did I mention drip on the end of nose?
Feeling energetic?
If you are feeling energetic and you have the right shoes on, you could always walk out to Hurst Spit with spectacular views of the Solent towards Portsmouth on a clear day.
Hurst Castle
and on to Hurst Castle with great views of the Isle of Wight.Opening times and prices:
The Castle is open daily from 25 March 2016 through to the end of October.Daily from 25 March – September 10.30 am to 5.30 pm.
October Daily – 10.30 am to 4.00 pm.
Nov to March – weekends only 10.30 am to 4.00 pm.
Entry – Adult £4.80 : Child £3.00: Senior £4.50 (season tickets available)
Friendly dogs on leads welcome!
Remember to call in at Raft Rocks for a snack.
You'll need to build yourself up for that long walk.Enjoy! See you next time ..... Watch this space for our travels to Malta.
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